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Subject: Change colour Date: Wed Nov 09 2016 08:55 pm
From: mark lewis To: Manuel Adorni

09 Nov 16 16:35, you wrote to me:

 ml>> oh! RACONFIG->Options->files->list_format... use ^K[xy color codes...
 ml>> see the manual for them... i use the following...

 ml>> ^K[0c@NW^K[0e%NE  ^K[0f@SKk ^K[0a@FD ^K[07@DF

 ml>> ^K[06%NE ^K[05(MISSING) |^K[0a@DU

 MA> Sorry, but this is for archive list,

archive list? like the "new files" scan during logon or from the file area??

 MA> not for the colour of area in scanning for new files process. Is
 MA> correct?

you need to give me more information so i can figure out where you are seeing


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