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Subject: Read/Unread list message on WinPoint Veleno Date: Thu Oct 15 2020 11:04 am
From: Martin Foster To: Thomas Bampi

Hello Thomas!

*** Thursday June 11 2020 16:47, you wrote to me:

 MF>> Nope and for the moment, I've given up on it because no matter
 MF>> what changes I make to the theme file, my changes don't seem to
 MF>> "stick".

 MF>> Example:
 MF>> I changed the quote colour from "Yellow on Black" to "Green on
 MF>> Black" and  added the line which is supposed to change the
 MF>> default colour of unread  messages to Cyan on Black.

 MF>> After restarting GoldED, the quote colour is still Yellow on
 MF>> Black and
 MF>>  unread messages are shown in Green on Black ???

 TB> Hi Martin, I allowed myself to log in with your account to double
 TB> check everything and the parameters you have entered are correct and
 TB> the system works. Now I put the colors red on black and actually if I
 TB> go to one of your linked areas I ask for the list of messages with the
 TB> "L" key. The unread ones I see them in the color I have chosen. I
 TB> noticed that you had the theme nr. 10 this only works if you choose
 TB> your own theme and not with the others!

OK, four months later and I've finally found the time to have another look at
this but during those four months, something's changed. I can load my golded
colour config file into the text editor but I cannot navigate my way through
the file. If I press the <Down-Arrow> key I would expect the cursor to move
down to the next line but it doesn't move at all. Instead, it outputs a
high-ascii character to the console. Same thing happens if I press the
<Page-Down> key - Huh!

I'll attach a screenshot to a netmail and crash it to your system, please check 
your inbound.


--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: Read/Unread list message on WinPoint Veleno (Thomas Bampi)
Replies: Read/Unread list message on WinPoint Veleno (F. Krueger)