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Subject: Re: INDIGO 0.01 PKT->BW, BW->PKT Date: Fri Oct 02 2020 10:35 am
From: Mauro Veiga To: Charles Pierson

 -=> Quoting Charles Pierson to Mauro Veiga <=-

 CP>> So, you have 3 programs? A tosser, then Indigo converts from pkt 
 CP>> to bw and vice versa?  Then Bluewave acts as the reader/editor?

 MV>      Yep!  :-)
 MV>      IREX (mailer) <-> INDIGO (pkt/bw converter) <-> BlueWave
 MV>      (reader/writer). Or with another mailer than IREX.

 CP> That's something that sounds interesting.  It runs In DOS mode, or in
 CP> Windows?  The wife won't let me change my DT to Linux.

     IREX (win version) and INDIGO (DOS) runs on DOS prompt of Win7x64
     (my PC) with NTVDMx64.  BlueWave run on vDosPlus emulator (runs
     better).  On my notebooks with Win7x86 all runs on DOS prompt.  Not
     need emulators.

   []s                                                    │
          ┌────────────────────────────────────────────── * ─────────────
          │   Mauro R. Veiga  -    │

MeSSaGe SiTTeR 1.00 - Full Version
Live Long and Prosper

... BlueWave - Universe Tour - Stardate 47634.44
--- Indigo/DOS 0.01+Blue Wave/DOS
 * Origin: Point do Pardal - Brasil * (4:801/194.2)

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In Reply To: Re: INDIGO 0.01 PKT->BW, BW->PKT (Charles Pierson)