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Subject: INDIGO 0.01 PKT->BW, BW->PKT Date: Thu Oct 01 2020 03:21 am
From: Chuck Pierson To: August Abolins

Hello, August Abolins - All.
On 9/30/20 10:36 AM you wrote:

 > There is a Point software that work with Bluewave - the INDIGO 0.01
 > from Peter Karlson.  I use then with IREX mailer on FIDONET and work
 > very fine with real Bluewave features.
So, you have 3 programs? A tosser, then Indigo converts from pkt to bw
and vice versa?  Then Bluewave acts as the reader/editor?

Best regards!
Posted using Hotdoged on Android

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