Section One BBS

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Subject: Z1C Election - Zone 2 interferance Date: Sat May 26 2018 07:21 am
From: Fred Riccio To: All

Sorry All,

That was intended to be private NetMail to the candidates.  But since it is
public now, be aware that you MAY be contacted by someone in Z2 trying to get
their 2 cents in.

Lets keep this echo for topics related to the election and not muddy it up with 
this topic.

--- Msged/NT 6.0.1
 * Origin: Somewhere in New Hampshire's White Mountains (1:132/174)

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In Reply To: Z1C Election - Zone 2 interferance (Fred Riccio)
Replies: Z1C Election - Zone 2 interferance (Carol Shenkenberger)Z1C Election - Zone 2 interferance (Phil Kimble)Z1C Election - Zone 2 interferance (Sean Dennis)