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Subject: Re: BBS Sports NFL Pick'em Wk#3 OGT Date: Sun Sep 25 2016 05:27 pm
From: Bill McGarrity To: Accession

-=> Accession wrote to Bill McGarrity <=-

Hiya Nick..

 Ac> On 21 Sep 16 18:30, Bill McGarrity wrote to Accession:

 Ac>> DET at GB  = GB

 Ac>> Meh, going on a gut feeling here, since my last couple weeks of
 Ac>> stat voting have failed me big time. Granted, I'll lose because I
 Ac>> will never bet against my home team. :)

 BM> They have a great shot this week... never know what the Lions throw on
 BM> the field the field these days..

 Ac> I figured you of all the "newer" people on Dovenet would have jumped in
 Ac> on this from the get-go. At least you're following along though!

Wish I had the time... :/

 Ac> GO PACK GO (as soon as A-Rod gets out of whatever FUNK he's in).

Well, you guys did it!!!  Congrats!



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