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Subject: Re: BBS Sports NFL Pick'em Wk#3 OGT Date: Thu Sep 22 2016 06:44 pm
From: Accession To: tbirdsradio

Hello tbirdsradio,

On 21 Sep 16 19:01, tbirdsradio wrote to Accession:

 tb> "Any given Sunday", so you never know! <g> In all the years we've
 tb> played, nobody has ever had a perfect game ticket. That's the gem i
 tb> chase after.

I don't think it would ever be achieved. There's way too many upsets.

 tb> I always start off picking with my heart until i run into that wall of
 tb>  reality! <BG>  If your a BEARS fan, that wall is usually early on
 tb> into the season. <LMAO> In reality, every year is a rebuilding year!

Sames goes for our Brewers. :)

 tb> -Good luck this week & have fun watching the PACK!

Heck I may miss the game this weekend. We're camping tomorrow till Sunday, and i
f we get out early enough my son has a soccer game at 12:30pm. So, we either sta
y camping and watch the game, then leave.. or leave early and get my boy to his 
last game of the weekend. We'll see how we feel on Sunday. :)


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