Section One BBS

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Subject: OpenXP 5.0.46 released Date: Mon Sep 07 2020 11:15 am
From: Martin Foster To: Sean Dennis

Hello Sean!

*** Sunday 06.09.20 at 14:50, Sean Dennis wrote to Martin Foster:

 SD> I don't know if you know or not, but I am the author behind the
 SD> Cheepware line of BBS doors and sysop utilities.  I've been
 SD> developing them since 1998.  My doors are open source and on Github
 SD> though I'll be moving everything Sourceforge soon.

No, I didn't know that but it's a VERY long time since I ran a BBS. The  
last BBS software I ran was ProBoard back in the mid 90's. The first BBS
sofware I ever tried was QuickBBS(or maybe it was QBBS?) on the Atari-ST,   WOW,
remember that! :))

 SD> I am also a member of the MBSE BBS Development Team.

Oh, how very interesting :)

There's a known connectivity issue between OpenXP and MBSE which has never
been resolved. Unfortunately, I don't remember the exact details now but
someone else in here may have a better memory than I ..... cue August :-)

 SD> So I try to spread the love around in the BBS world to help things keep
 SD> going.


 SD> Thanks to you and Gunter (I hope that's right) for all of your efforts.

Thank you for your kind words and I'd like to take this opportunity to  
extend a BIG thank you to August for what he's contributed towards the
development of OpenXP over the last 18 months. In fact, it's highly  
unlikely that some of the bugs he's found would *ever* have been found   without
him. And then there's the ideas, new feature requests etc. etc.

Thank you August, you're a Star!


--- OpenXP 5.0.46
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: OpenXP 5.0.46 released (Sean Dennis)
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