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Subject: OpenXP 5.0.46 released Date: Sun Sep 06 2020 11:16 am
From: Martin Foster To: Sean Dennis

Hello Sean!

*** Saturday 05.09.20 at 16:14, Sean Dennis wrote to Martin Foster:

 MF>> What version of fpc is it?

 SD> It's 3.2.0 (I think?).  It's the latest version, whatever it is.

Yes, the latest version is 3.2.0 but we're still using 3.0.4, so I'll  
contact the developer with a view to upgrading to 3.2.0

 MF>> If you, or anyone else, could get it to compile under OS/2 or ArcaOS it
 MF>> would make me a very very happy man indeed.

 SD> I'd be happy to try.  I am slowly working on moving my BBS to MBSE under
 SD> Devuan Linux but I do have ArcaOS to run in a VM as soon as I get around to
 SD> it.

The source *is* open source, so please feel free to give it a try :)

Any/all feedback would be appreciated.

 MF>> Please note: the third-party Indy10 libraries are required but they are
 MF>> *not* included in the OpenXP source. See 'Readme.txt' in the Indy10
 MF>> directory of the OpenXP source tarball for instructions on how/where to
 MF>> get them from and for other important information before attempting to
 MF>> compile the source.

 SD> Oh, I'm only too familiar with running around chasing down dependencies for
 SD> stuff, heh.

Thought you might but I had to mention it if only to save you the bother  
of hunting it down.

 MF>> As soon as the developer gets back to me I'll post his comments.

 SD> Sure thing.  If he'd like to contact me directly, my BBS email is

OK, I'll pass your email address on to the developer(Gunter Sandner).

 SD> I am just trying to make more stuff available for more people. :)

Excellent attitude, bravo! :)


--- OpenXP 5.0.46
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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