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Subject: oxp: gets better and better Date: Mon Aug 10 2020 08:53 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

OXP just seems to get better and better with regular use.

I had a need to hunt for a message containing specific string and it  
produced this nice result when triggering thread-view on one of the  

 References of "Social Media Subsitute"
        401 02.08  Matt Munson                          Social Media Subsitute
        748 02.08  ├──Don Lowery
        822 02.08  ├──Alan Ianson
        567 04.08  │  └──Tony Langdon
       1259 04.08  │     └──Alan Ianson
    w  2173 05.08  │        └──Tony Langdon
       3003 05.08  │           └──Alan Ianson
       4052 06.08  │              └──Tony Langdon
■      1391 03.08  ├──Nick Andre
■      1273 03.08  │  └──August Abolins
■      1294 03.08  │     └──Nick Andre
       2158 04.08  │        └──August Abolins           /»Unsent
        905 03.08  ├──August Abolins
       1514 03.08  │  └──Richard Falken
  +    1341 03.08  │     └──August Abolins
        681 03.08  └──Kinji Kameda

The 3 lines with the blocks "■" were the matching messages containing the
string.  BUT, as a bonus, it revealed a related message that I had P)arked  
in the /»Unsent folder for editing later.  I had almost forgotten about  
that one, and there it is too!


--- OpenXP 5.0.45
 * Origin: ----------Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.---------- (2:221/1.58)

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Replies: oxp: gets better and better (Martin Foster)