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Subject: Re: BBS Sports NFL Pick'em Week #2 Official Score Sheet Date: Wed Sep 21 2016 05:43 pm
From: tbirdsradio To: Accession

  Re: Re: BBS Sports NFL Pick'em Week #2 Official Score Sheet 
  By: Accession to tbirdsradio on Wed Sep 21 2016 02:37 pm 
 tb>> Hey no problem. Sure, the missed game is counted as a loss. Does 
 tb>> that help? Let me know. Thanks 
 Ac> Ah, yep. Definitely explained it.. which I'm surprised I didn't get that 
 Ac> to begin with. lol  
Good deal! No, that's not a problem at all. Glad you asked. Keeps me on my 
All the best, Nick! 
TBird's Radio Network - Great Music, Great Radio!

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