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Subject: openxp console Date: Wed Jul 15 2020 08:52 am
From: Martin Foster To: Mauro Veiga

Hello Mauro!

*** Tuesday 14.07.20 at 10:48, Mauro Veiga wrote to AUGUST ABOLINS:

 MV>>      I have two OpenXP in diferent folders - C:\OpenXP and
 MV>>      C:\OpenXP.P. The C:\OpenXp is a single Fido point and the
 MV>>      Highlighted works fine. The C:\OpenXP.P is a Fido point and
 MV>>      newsgroups reader and the Highlighted not works on this. Can be
 MV>>      the dir with different name?

 AA>> BTW.. You don't need two instances of OXP, one or fido and another for
 AA>> nntp newsgroups.  You can configure one OXP with as many different
 AA>> server   types that you want.

 MV>      Need that because i have two diferent points with the same areas.

No you don't, OpenXP supports multiple points receiving identical areas  
from different BossNodes.

Until quite recently, I had OpenXP configured to receive identical areas  
from three different BossNodes without any problems whatsoever.

Unfortunately, I don't have time today to post the necessary instructions  
but if you're interested, please say so and I'll post the instructions
sometime over the next few days.


--- OpenXP 5.0.45
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: openxp console (Mauro Veiga)
Replies: openxp console (Mauro Veiga)