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Subject: openxp console Date: Mon Jul 13 2020 05:19 pm
From: August Abolins To: Mauro Veiga

Hello Mauro!

** On Monday 13.07.20 - 11:01, Mauro Veiga wrote to MARTIN FOSTER:

 AA>>   Config/Display/Colors/Messages/Highlighted.

 MF>> Yep, that's the one :)

 MV>      Don't worked for me.  :-(

I think OXP highlights the name that matches the one you use in the  
Primary server.


The line marked with "F" is your Primary Server.  The name on that line is
used for the match and the highlighting.

 MV>      I have two OpenXP in diferent folders - C:\OpenXP and
 MV>      C:\OpenXP.P. The C:\OpenXp is a single Fido point and the
 MV>      Highlighted works fine. The C:\OpenXP.P is a Fido point and
 MV>      newsgroups reader and the Highlighted not works on this. Can be
 MV>      the dir with different name?

BTW.. You don't need two instances of OXP, one or fido and another for  
nntp newsgroups.  You can configure one OXP with as many different server
types that you want.

But if you want it that way, take a look at the name you use in the  
Primary Server config.


--- OpenXP 5.0.45
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