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Subject: oxp: jumps to cyrillic Date: Mon Jul 13 2020 11:05 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Monday 13.07.20 at 01:10, August Abolins wrote to All:

 AA> The following occurred once before, but I wrote it off as an oddity that
 AA> I triggered (somehow)  ..and would not repeat.  But it *has* repeated.
 AA> And I am wondering what the trigger might be.

 AA> When I drop to DOS shell via F9, the console switches to cyrillic!

 AA> The prompt looks normal, but subsequent keyboard entries are cyrillic.


 AA> A cut'n'paste of what I saw doesn't work here since this session is
 AA> CP437, so instead I've captured a screen shot of the result here:



 AA> And, when that happens, there is no way to safely exit the shell. :(

 AA> If I was in the middle of writing a message (which I was this 2nd time),
 AA> and shell to DOS, I lose the message I was working on since I have to
 AA> kill OXP.

 AA> Is there an history of this phenomenon that gives a clue as to why the
 AA> cyrillic codepage gets triggered?

Nope, never ever heard of that happening before.

 AA> Is there is DOS trick to exit a sub shell invoked by F9?

Why do you need to drop to DOS?

Why can't you just invoke another instance of a command window?


--- OpenXP 5.0.45
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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