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Subject: Re: News WebPoint Date: Sun Jul 12 2020 03:33 pm
From: Flavio Bessa To: Thomas Bampi

-=> Thomas Bampi wrote to Fernando Toledo <=-

 FT> Hi Thomas! are the source code of the webpoint avilable?

 TB> Hi, no but I'm studying a way that can be used also by other BBS with their
 TB> Points.
 TB> If you want we can do tests together what do you say?

	Well, I think that this is awesome! I'm in for testing, let me know
	if I can help you out!

               __,--=====-.__           Regards from Flavio Bessa
  _________,--'_,--'/_-__-___`--._      Sysop - Saturn's Orbit BBS
 {======>________,._.-------------'     Fidonet 4:801/188
        ``---._____/                    E-Mail

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