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Subject: openxp console Date: Sat Jul 11 2020 06:21 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

On 11/07/2020 4:19 a.m., Martin Foster : Alan Beck wrote:

>  AB> At the end of the day what does the screen or console look like in
>  AB> OpenXP?

> I've posted a few basic screenshots of OpenXP running on Win10 so that you can
> see for yourself. Have a look here .....


It might be worth pointing out that the fonts and colours can be adjusted.

I'll post some shots of my setup for comparison.

--- TB(Stealth)/Win7
 * Origin: nntp:// - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)

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In Reply To: openxp console (Martin Foster)