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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1001 May 4, 2015 Date: Mon May 04 2015 02:45 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: All

4. Stories for our 1000th+ newsletter !!!

We try to post stories and comments from our readers each week. Send your story 
to and we'll publish it in an upcoming newsletter.  Please
share your story about what you collect and what got you started collecting.
We *love* to hear your stories!  If you have a story you'd like to share, tell
us about it and if you have any photos, we'd love to see them!  Send us an
email to so we can share your story with the rest of our

The Sewing Machine
I had a beautiful White Sewing Machine black with gold lettering, very heavy.
It was in my detached garage.  I was camping with my boys and my upstairs
tenant used my Smoker to cook while I was gone for the weekend.  Before he left 
to go golfing, he dumped the ashes that he thought were cold into a garbage can 
and left.  Within seconds my garage caught on fire, everything burned to the
ground with my beautiful antique sewing machine in it.  I lost everything and
had to rebuild.  The only thing I could not bear to throw away is the sewing
machine which was severely damaged, but it is now a yard decoration and sits
amongst my flowers.  I get a lot of comments and compliments on it.

Adrienne Z

The Shoe Collection

I have a miniature shoe collection which was started in 1949 when I was 13
years old.  We lived in Kansas and every summer we would go to Calif.  to visit 
my dad's family.  On one of the places where we had stopped to eat, it had a
gift shop attached next to the dining room. My brother and I ate in a hurry and 
went to look at all the stuff in the gift shop.  I spotted the darling little
shoe for 49 cents.  I went in to ask dad if I could have 50 cents.  He asked me 
what for. I told him and he told me he'd think about it.  After he paid the
bill for our meal he followed me to the gift shop to look at what I wanted.  He 
told me I didn't need it.  I was crushed and went out to the car.  Mom, dad and 
my brother followed me.  After we got in the car my dad said, "I suppose I'd
better go use the restroom before we take off".  He went back in and came out a 
few minutes later carrying a little bag and handed it to me.  Bless his heart,
he had planned this all along as a surprise, he had bought that little shoe for 
me. I almost cried.  That was 66 years ago and I will never forget that first
shoe.  Now I have well over 100 little shoes that friends and other family
members have given me.  They are all displayed in a glass corner what-not
shelf.  (Seven glass shelves with mirrors on the inside walls.) I love my
collection.  Win a blue ribbon at the fair one year when I displayed part of

Bev B

Green Glass Collection

I had my glass and foxes, my brother had his Antique/Fancy grill electric fans. 
 We were checking out a store in Wells on the Post Road and I picked up some
beautiful glassware.  It was clear soft green with swirls in the glass and what 
I thought was a British pound sign on the bottom [ +· }.  During the years I
looked for more and drifted away from pretty New England to find myself near
Charleston, SC.  I again was living near my other brother who collects license
plates.  We were junkinC╟╓ when I found 4 MORE of the glasses, only bigger!  I
was then told that the C╟ LC╟╓ on the bottom was for LibbyC╟╓s. I was ecstatic! 
 I now could search for more LibbyC╟╓s glasses and get a whole set.  I still
get excited seeing clear green glass, whether its sea glass or lamps.  I have
all my glass collection in a lighted corner cupboard in our library.  But those 
have a special place in my heart as I found them with my 2 brothers in a
younger time that will never come again.

Sarah B

More stories and winners next week!

These writers of these stories are all winning one of these: Submit a story about your favorite antique or
collectible to today and you may win one as well !

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 * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)

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