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Subject: openxp: have sent messages? Date: Sat Jun 13 2020 10:03 pm
From: August Abolins To: Fernando Toledo

Hello Fernando!

** On Saturday 13.06.20 - 14:19, Fernando Toledo wrote to Martin Foster:

 >> Something you need to know about this is that the "+" indicator
 >> against your own echomail messages is not designed as an easy means of
 >> seeing your own echomail messages, it is designed to prevent OpenXP
 >> from deleting them.

 FT> Thanks . I searching for the "Sent" folder behavior like another mail
 FT> clients

OXP doesn't have a Sent folder.

But you can search for any of your messages [1] per echo, or over your [2]
entire echo collection.

If [1], just select the echo of interest, press <ENTER> to get the list of
messages.  Then, from the top menu, select Message/Search../User, and  
enter part of your name.

IF [2], just stay in the full Echolist view, and then from the top menu,
select Message/Search../User, and enter part of your name - and it will   search
for your messages across all the echos.


--- OpenXP 5.0.44
 * Origin: ----------Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.---------- (2:221/1.58)

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In Reply To: Re: openxp: have sent messages? (Fernando Toledo)