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Subject: Re: openxp: have sent messages? Date: Sat Jun 13 2020 02:19 pm
From: Fernando Toledo To: Martin Foster

El 13/6/20 a las 04:31, Martin Foster escribi├│:
> Hello Fernando!

> *** Thursday 11.06.20 at 12:36, Fernando Toledo wrote to Martin Foster:

>  >> FT>> Hi how to save/see the Sent messages at openxp?
>  >>
>  >> AA> openxp saves every message that you send, and identifies them with
>  >> AA> your full name and a "+" next to the message.
>  >>
>  >> 'scuse me :-)
>  >>
>  >> The "+" indicator is only present in echomail messages if it's enabled 
>  >> Config -> Options -> Messages -> Hold own messages
>  >>
>  >> It's disabled by default.
>  >>
>  >> Just thought I'd mention that :)

>  FT> cool, thanks for these tips!

> Something you need to know about this is that the "+" indicator against   your
> own echomail messages is not designed as an easy means of seeing your   own
> echomail messages, it is designed to prevent OpenXP from deleting  
> them.

Thanks . I searching for the "Sent" folder behavior like another mail

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In Reply To: openxp: have sent messages? (Martin Foster)
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