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Subject: updating a nodelist without a DIFF Date: Sat Jun 13 2020 08:33 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Thursday 11.06.20 at 19:19, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 MF>> [hack]
 AA>>> Thank you OXP!

 MF>> Yes and it never ceases to amaze me how such treasures can remain hidden
 MF>> for so many years. Thanks for sharing and thanks for taking the time and
 MF>> trouble to document your discovery.

 AA> Feel free to record my efforts for posterity in an updated user guide of
 AA> *your* time and trouble.  <G>

Thank you very much for that :)


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In Reply To: updating a nodelist without a DIFF (August Abolins)