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Subject: openXP crash on netcall (linux mint 64bit) Date: Thu Jun 25 2020 08:32 am
From: Martin Foster To: Stephan Gebbers

Hello Stephan!

*** Tuesday 23.06.20 at 22:56, Stephan Gebbers wrote to Martin Foster:

 MF>> SG> 2020-06-22 21:36:02 ObjCOM: S57600 8N1
 MF>>                                                        ^^
 MF>> This might be the cause of the problem ________________||
 MF>> Any particular reason for choosing port 23(telnet) rather than the
 MF>> more usual port 24554(binkp).

 SG> Thanks, that did the trick. i have used Telnet and 23 as i thought that
 SG> would make sense :) but TCP/IP and 24554 was the way to go.

Yep, that is the way to go.

 SG> Still, maybe someone could take a look into the openXP linux version and
 SG> find out why it crashes without an error on wrong server settings.

OK, I'll report this issue to the developer.

 SG> Thanks for the help!

You're welcome :)


--- OpenXP 5.0.45
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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