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Subject: Re: openXP crash on netcall (linux mint 64bit) Date: Mon Jun 22 2020 03:40 pm
From: Fernando Toledo To: Stephan Gebbers

El 22/6/20 a las 13:14, Stephan Gebbers escribi├│:
> i am using 64bit Linux Mint, got the from
> sourceforge and (after unpacking) started "sudo ./" as described in
> readme.1st

> After that openxp is installed in /usr/local/lib

> I can start openxp and make all settings for server etc. but when i go and 
> a netcall it shows a netcall window for a short moment and crashes back to 
> shell prompt. Without any error message.

> Anyone has seen this? Any idea what could cause this?

> i have looked for a log file but did not find any. 

> I hope someone can help :) Thanks in advance!

maybe can you run under gdb and get a backtrace or use strace to see
some system calls
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