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Subject: Re: R19 success Date: Mon Jan 13 2014 04:29 pm
From: Ward Dossche To: Joe Delahaye

JD> Dont be so sure about the fiction.  We recently had somebody come back
JD> from a
JD> vacation in China.  This person felt sick and was found t have the Avian
JD> Flu.
JD> Death was the result.  H5N1.
It was in the news here as well and I don't believe it.
The Avia Flu is a pandemic disease ... one case in Canada after a visit to
China should mean there have to be thousands in China. WHO reports nothing.
I bet it was something viral but doubtful Avian Flu.

--- D'Bridge 3.98
 * Origin: Many Glacier / Protect - Preserve - Conserve (2:292/854)

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