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Subject: Read/Unread list message on WinPoint Veleno Date: Thu Jun 11 2020 04:47 pm
From: Thomas Bampi To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

Thursday June 11 2020 11:12, you wrote to August Abolins:

 MF> Nope and for the moment, I've given up on it because no matter what changes
 MF> I make to the theme file, my changes don't seem to "stick".

 MF> Example:
 MF> I changed the quote colour from "Yellow on Black" to "Green on Black"
 MF> and  added the line which is supposed to change the default colour of
 MF> unread  messages to Cyan on Black.

 MF> After restarting GoldED, the quote colour is still Yellow on Black and
 MF>  unread messages are shown in Green on Black ???

Hi Martin, I allowed myself to log in with your account to double check
everything and the parameters you have entered are correct and the system
Now I put the colors red on black and actually if I go to one of your linked
areas I ask for the list of messages with the "L" key. The unread ones I see
them in the color I have chosen.
I noticed that you had the theme nr. 10 this only works if you choose your own
theme and not with the others!


                        ( o o )
|                                                     |
| Thomas Bampi                                        |
| Origin: -= VelEnO BBs =-   |
|                                                     |
|                    .oooO                            |
|                    (   )   Oooo.                    |
+---------------------\ (----(   )--------------------+
                       \_)    ) /

--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20170303
 # Origin:  ----> VeleNo BBs ( <----  (2:333/808)
 * Origin: Veleno BBS -= =- (2:333/808)

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In Reply To: Read/Unread list message on WinPoint Veleno (Martin Foster)
Replies: Read/Unread list message on WinPoint Veleno (Martin Foster)Read/Unread list message on WinPoint Veleno (Martin Foster)