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Subject: updating a nodelist without a DIFF Date: Sat Jun 06 2020 07:16 pm
From: August Abolins To: All


I just wanted to document and announce how easy it is to configure an
update with a nodelist when it typically does not have a DIFF file.

For this example, I will use FSXNET.

Having subscribed to the file area to receive the nodelist, OXP will
announce its arrival with this list:

     F     0 04.06 FileScan  Weekly nodelist for
     F     0 28.05 FileScan  Weekly nodelist for
     F     0 24.05 FileScan  Weekly nodelist for
  ∙  F     0 21.05 FileScan  Weekly nodelist for

FSXNET.Z57 is the newest above.

Before we do anything, the current status of the nodelist would look
like this by using FIDO/Nodelists/Config:

│ Z2PNT.###     157  Z2PNT_D.###   Z2PNT_D.Z##   Diff  FD Pointlist
│ NODELIST.###  157  NODEDIFF.###  NODEDIFF.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ FSXNET.###    150  FSXNET_D.###  FSXNET_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ micronet.###  122  MICRON_D.###  MICRON_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ ► New ◄    Edit      TextEdit      Delete      Info       OK

The "old"/current FSXNET nodelist is .150 above.  And FSXNET_D.### and
FSXNET_D.Z## are just dummy placeholders so that the system can still
process any other nodelists that *do* have legitimate DIFF distributions.

So, the first thing you do is go to the nodelist file area:

     F     0 04.06 FileScan  Weekly nodelist for H:\OPENXP\FILES\FSXNET.Z57
     F     0 28.05 FileScan  Weekly nodelist for H:\OPENXP\FILES\FSXNET.Z50
     F     0 24.05 FileScan  Weekly nodelist for H:\OPENXP\FILES\FSXNET.Z50
  ∙  F     0 21.05 FileScan  Weekly nodelist for H:\OPENXP\FILES\FSXNET.Z43

Highlight/select the line with FSXNET.Z57, <ENTER>, and the following
options will appear:

  Space/F7/F8-mark  Extract  ◄─┘-show
 File name   OrgSize CompSize    %   Method      Date      Time         ZIP
 FSXNET.157    31769    11224 35.3 deflated  05.06.20  02:15:02  FSXNET.157

Select the Extract option, and OXP will unarchive the .157 file.

Then go to the nodelist config with FIDO/Nodelists/Config:

│ Z2PNT.###     157  Z2PNT_D.###   Z2PNT_D.Z##   Diff  FD Pointlist
│ NODELIST.###  157  NODEDIFF.###  NODEDIFF.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ FSXNET.###    150  FSXNET_D.###  FSXNET_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ micronet.###  122  MICRON_D.###  MICRON_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ ► New ◄    Edit      TextEdit      Delete      Info       OK

Select <NEW> and navigate to the directory where you E(x)tracted the .Z57

Select the file, and press <ENTER>.  Then you will see the .157 added in the

│ Z2PNT.###     157  Z2PNT_D.###   Z2PNT_D.Z##   Diff  FD Pointlist
│ NODELIST.###  157  NODEDIFF.###  NODEDIFF.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ FSXNET.###    157  FSXNET_D.###  FSXNET_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ FSXNET.###    150  FSXNET_D.###  FSXNET_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ micronet.###  122  MICRON_D.###  MICRON_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ ► New ◄    Edit      TextEdit      Delete      Info       OK

Then, before you exit, highlight the older .150 entry and select <Delete>
so that you end up with this:

│ Z2PNT.###     157  Z2PNT_D.###   Z2PNT_D.Z##   Diff  FD Pointlist
│ NODELIST.###  157  NODEDIFF.###  NODEDIFF.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ FSXNET.###    157  FSXNET_D.###  FSXNET_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ micronet.###  122  MICRON_D.###  MICRON_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ ► New ◄    Edit      TextEdit      Delete      Info       OK

Then, select <OK>, and OXP will recompile the collection of nodelists for use.

Thank you OXP!


--- OpenXP 5.0.44
 * Origin: ----------Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.---------- (2:221/1.58)

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Replies: updating a nodelist without a DIFF (Martin Foster)