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Subject: OpenXP Questions Date: Sat May 30 2020 02:25 pm
From: Martin Foster To: Kevin Miller

Hello Kevin!

*** Friday 29.05.20 at 11:42, Martin Foster wrote to Kevin Miller:

 KM>> Curious about a couple things... Can it be used for viewing
 KM>> messgaes with ansi color and if it does, how do I configure it to
 KM>> do so?

 KM>> The 2nd question... Is there a way to redraw the screen without
 KM>> stopiing and restarting the app?

 MF> Sorry but I can't answer either of your questions, so I've passed them
 MF> on to the developer for you. Stay tooooooooned :)

Here's his reply to your first question .....
---------- 8< ----------
"No, sorry.
Personally, I have never heard of messages with ansi color."
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Here's his reply to your second question .....
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"OpenXP is a commandline software running under Windows or Linux OS.
The OS is responsible for screen redraw if the commandline window
containing the OpenXP session is brought to front."
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Hope that helps.


--- OpenXP 5.0.44
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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