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Subject: Telnet Login Attacks? Date: Tue May 10 2016 06:20 pm
From: Jeff Smith To: Robert Wolfe

Hello Robert.

10 May 16 17:44, you wrote to me:

 RW> -=> Jeff Smith wrote to All <=-

 JS>> Any tips or suggestions as to a way to limit/avoids telnet login
 JS>> attacks on BBBS?

 JS>> Lately I have been getting numerious telnet login attempts by
 JS>> IP's that reversely resolve to Asian countries. The same IP will
 JS>> try to login to all available nodes. No actual login is
 JS>> attempted. Each open node will sit open at the login name
 JS>> prompt.I have been adding up to 5 IP's at a time to the INET.BBB
 JS>> file. Which then blocks those IP's. But there are plenty of other
 JS>> IP's. :-)

 RW>  Yeah, I think that this is a problem for every one of us that runs a
 RW>  BBS.  It got to the poing where I have inbound telnet and binkp
 RW>  connections running on only a certain group of nodes and web services
 RW>  running on another group of nodes.

I posted the above message shortly after I setup BBBS and noticed a rash
of "root" and "sysop" login attempts. As well as DOS (Denial of Service)
attempts by trying to login to all available nodes from the same IP. I
quickly configured BBBS to reject logins using invvalid user info. As well
as blocking DOS Ip's for a time. At one point I had some 5000 IP's that
were being blocked. That type of activity has dimished considerably over
the last year.

 RW>  * Suicidal dyslexic jumps behind train - film at 11
 RW>  * TagIt!/2 Version 1.00 for OS/2

 RW> --- BBBS/2 v4.10 Dada-1
 RW>  * Origin: Neptune's Lair/2 (1:116/17)


--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20070503
 * Origin:  Region 14 IP Server - (1:14/5)

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