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Subject: webpoint: golded L)ist view Date: Mon May 18 2020 12:55 pm
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Saturday 16.05.20 at 15:56, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 AA>>> I would have thought uber-Golded would have the read/unread
 AA>>> matter working.

 MF>> The answer is in the GOLDED echo(msgid 5ebe5de2).
 MF>> However, neither you nor I can implement the feature in our WebPoint..

 AA> Thanks. Saw that one. Good to know there is a simple solution.  But I
 AA> find it strange that the visual read/unread is not enabled by default.

Yeah well, shame it doesn't seem to work :(

Let's see if any further info comes out of the GOLDED echo.


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In Reply To: webpoint: golded L)ist view (August Abolins)