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Subject: oxp: nodelist situation? Date: Sun May 17 2020 02:52 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

::: UPDATE ::::

** On Tuesday 05.05.20 - 20:22, Martin Foster wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>> Anyway.. the dummy diffs are now in place:

 AA>> ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 AA>> │ Z2PNT.###     115  Z2PNT_D.###   Z2PNT_D.Z##   Diff  FD Pointlist
 AA>> │ NODELIST.###  122  NODEDIFF.###  NODEDIFF.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
 AA>> │ FSXNET.###    122  FSXNET_D.###  FSXNET_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
 AA>> │ micronet.###  108  MICRONET_D.#  MICRONET.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
 MF>                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^
 MF> Hmmmmm, these *might* cause problems but I could, of course, be wrong.

 MF> [snip]
 AA>> We shall see what this week's files trigger.

 MF> Yes, indeed we will :)

Since that last post I now have this:

│ Z2PNT.###     136  Z2PNT_D.###   Z2PNT_D.Z##   Diff  FD Pointlist
│ NODELIST.###  136  NODEDIFF.###  NODEDIFF.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ FSXNET.###    136  FSXNET_D.###  FSXNET_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ micronet.###  122  MICRON_D.###  MICRON_D.Z##  Diff  Nodelist

 [x]   Use internal nodelist processor

 [x]   Import nodelist updates automatically
 [x]   Automatic TIC file processing

That means the last few weeks of processing have been error-free and no
lockups after a poll.

OXP seems very dependent on having no nodelist issues when at least one is

FSXNET and micronet do not have DIFFs, but with the dummy-diffs configured
above, I can at least keep the "Import nodelist updates automatically"   enabled
so that fidonet parts get done.


--- OpenXP 5.0.43
 * Origin: ----------Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.---------- (2:221/1.58)

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