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Subject: webpoint: golded L)ist view Date: Fri May 15 2020 01:31 am
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Sveiks Martin!

How does the L)ist view look on your side with webpoint?

Do you see a distinction between the unread messages from the read messages?

I've tried pretty much every colour theme offered here, but every line looks
the same.  Only the messages either addressed to me or by me stand out in
bolded text.

I would have thought uber-Golded would have the read/unread matter working.

Your thoughts?

--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin:  ----> Point Of VeleNo BBs (  (2:333/808.7)

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Replies: webpoint: golded L)ist view (F. Krueger)webpoint: golded L)ist view (Martin Foster)