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Subject: winpoint: 1:1/1 Date: Sun May 10 2020 05:27 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin,

On Wednesday 06.05.20, you wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>> Winpoint needs to be running for that to work.  You're messin' with my
 AA>> mind.  :/   Make sure you have Winpoint running, drop a nodelist.z## in
 AA>> the \DistribNL folder and watch Winpoint change it from nodelist.z## to
 AA>> nodelist.###

 MF> I'm still watching and nothing's happened yet :)

Short of capturing on vidoe what I see, I don't know how to convince you that
it *is* happening here.

Maybe your WinPoint is not activate to auto-unpack or something like that?

In Extras/Options/Automation, I have:

   List updates = Automatic in Background

 AA>> It was a brief confirmation in echomail.  Despite my archive of msgs in
 AA>> POINTS, I can't seem to spot the specific exchange we had about it.

 MF> I've found one that's relevant to this thread but I don't know if it's
 MF> the   same one you had in mind. Try doing a MsgID search for 4c120309
 MF> with   OpenXP...

 MF> If you can't find that message, let me know and I'll repost it.

I found it, but not in my local OpenXP.  For me, that Winpoint discussion
predated my introduction to OXP, so I looked in my Winpoint.  Thankfully,
Winpoint automatically includes the msgid in its "text" searches!

In 4c1201309 the last sentence you wrote: "WinPoint's nodelist processor cannot 
process packed nodelist/pointlist files, although it can process packed
nodediff/pointdiff files."

I hear ya.  But I swear to you, simply dropping the packed nodelist
automatically unpacks here!   I still have to Shift+Ctl+L or
"Fidonet/ProcessNodelist" manually for the new nodelist to update, however.


--- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
 * Origin: Please write your complaint in this box [ ] - Legibly (2:221/1.59)

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