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Subject: found it Date: Tue May 05 2020 01:57 pm
From: Alan Beck To: August Abolins


No, I navigated myself to the files.

Then I figured out that was where they were.

There is a button in the mail window that takes me right there.



 AA> On 04/05/2020 7:16 a.m., Alan Beck : all wrote:

 >> Found how to get the files, boy are they hidden well.

 >> I found the button in winpoint to display them.

 AA> Do you mean via Options/Extras ?

 AA> -+- TB(Stealth)/Win7
 AA>  @ ORIGINAL: nntp:// - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)

--- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
 * Origin: WinPoint (1:229/426.36)

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In Reply To: found it (August Abolins)