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Subject: winpoint: 1:1/1 Date: Tue May 05 2020 09:53 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

** On Tuesday 05.05.20 - 20:35, Martin Foster wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>>>> When I drop in the archived nodelists into the DistribNL, WinPoint
 AA>>>> magically unpacks them.

 MF>>> I've never seen that happen here ?

Winpoint needs to be running for that to work.  You're messin' with my  
mind.  :/   Make sure you have Winpoint running, drop a nodelist.z## in  
the \DistribNL folder and watch Winpoint change it from nodelist.z## to

 AA>> It's even documented, by you.  ;)

 MF> Where?

It was a brief confirmation in echomail.  Despite my archive of msgs in
POINTS, I can't seem to spot the specific exchange we had about it.  I  
just accepted Winpoint's auto-extraction of the nodelist as default, and   moved
on.  But the bottom line was that the .Z## file had to be physically   moved to
the /DistribNL directory after a file-request.

Even if you don't have Winpoint running when you do the drag-drop, the  
.Z## file will be automatically extracted the next time you launch  
Winpoint.  And, this is assuming you still have all the fields in Extras/
Options/Nodelists filled in - of course.

 AA>> While WinPoint is loaded and running, and I drag and drop a noldelist
 AA>> archive from the inbound directory to the DistribNL direcory, the
 AA>> NODELIST.Z## file is automatically replaced by its unpacked equivalent
 AA>> (and the original archive is gone).

 MF> ..... I've just tried that and absolutely nothing happened.

:(  See above.

 AA>> I don't know who might have these wafts of $$$$$$'s that you
 AA>> mention, especially at this covid/lockdown/stay-home time.

 MF> Perhaps there's a "money bags" lurking in a dark corner LOL!

How do we get their attention to crawl out of that dark corner. If I had  
the $$$$$$'s, I'd be using it to cover actual bills at this time.


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