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Subject: Re: R19 success Date: Sun Jan 12 2014 10:27 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: Joe Delahaye

Hi Joe,

>>> I am not aware that we had a Flu going roind. My age groep gets
>>> yearly vaccination for the regular trains of flu.

>> I stay away from those vaccinations. Too many people get sick from them.

> Like who??

Well, not a flu vaccine, but vaccines in general caused serious
life-threatening reactions to a few in my family.  My younger brother almost
died. His reaction was exteme no doubt. My daughter has the same type of
serious allergies as my brother has (maybe worse) so I avoided vaccines for her 
when she was a baby. One of her boys takes after her in the area of serious
allergies, so my daughter's doctor also advised that this son skip vaccines.
Her other two are "normal" (so far).

Take care,

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