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Subject: winpoint: 1:1/1 Date: Mon May 04 2020 09:56 am
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

** On Monday 04.05.20 - 13:05, Martin Foster wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>> When I drop in the archived nodelists into the DistribNL, WinPoint
 AA>> magically unpacks them.

 MF> I've never seen that happen here ?

HUH?  Of course you have.  It's even documented, by you.  ;)

While WinPoint is loaded and running, and I drag and drop a noldelist  
archive from the inbound directory to the DistribNL direcory, the   NODELIST.Z##
file is automatically replaced by its unpacked equivalent  
(and the original archive is gone).

 AA>> WinPoint may be the better GUI-based point program compared to Apoint,

 MF> Yes, it's a much more aesthetically pleasing GUI but it's such a great
 MF> shame that all the bugs and issues will never be fixed. Perhaps someone
 MF> should waft $$$$$$'s under Tim's nose ;)

I don't know who might have these wafts of $$$$$$'s that you mention,
especially at this covid/lockdown/stay-home time.

The hobby needs much greater appeal to make a point program project worth  
the effort.

My guess is that the author lost the code since those many years ago.
Otherwise, abandoning a fine program like WinPoint does not make much  
sense from a geek point of view.  Any programmer/geek would love to  
revisit old code and make adjustments.

I used to work on a computer called a MacroDataII. It used paper tape to  
read a program.  I was responsible for programming that darn thing.
Programming was all in octal! I wrote a decompiler to decode old tapes.   
I'd love to see that code again!

 AA>> but I'd rather prefer to take the smoother ride that OpenXP offers.

 MF> Yeah me too and we have a very responsive developer.

I am gradually using OpenXP a bit more for some select newsgroups (nntp).
Infact, it can work rather well for some othernets that have an nntp feed!

Dovenet (which is NOT ftn-based, but has an nntp alternative) looks and
operates quite well in oxp.

Scinet, Whispernet, Spooknet, do not cooperate with oxp as a nntp feed.   
But they look great using Thunderbird.


--- OpenXP 5.0.43
 * Origin: ----------Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.---------- (2:221/1.58)

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