Section One BBS

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Subject: Easy way to add CD-ROM Date: Fri Apr 17 2015 09:24 am
From: mark lewis To: Grant Tattersall

 mlF> speaking of bbs cd collections, i've been looking, for years, to 
 mlF> find the set that had the RADIST areas on it... there were only 
 mlF> maybe three or four cds with those areas... i haven't found them 
 mlF> so i can replace what i lost of my RA files years back in a 
 mlF> crash... i don't remember what set it was that did it but i'm 
 mlF> sure that it wasn't night owl and there's another one that wasn't 
 mlF> it but i can't think of the name... the time period would be back 
 mlF> before ronnie toth passed away... she was the one that started 
 mlF> and maintained the RADIST areas...

 GT> I have found a great source for finding the old CDs.  Its a good
 GT> collection containing heaps of CDs for BBSs.  You can find it 
 GT> here: 


 GT> You might just find those CDs there...

sadly, they don't have the one's i've been looking for either :( 

* Origin: North American RemoteAccess Support 919-774-5930 (1:3634/12)

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