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Subject: winpoint: 1:1/1 Date: Mon May 04 2020 01:05 pm
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Saturday 02.05.20 at 00:24, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 MF>> Did you mean the DistribNL directory :)

 AA> Yes..  I was thinking "the directory where the nodelists are dropped into".

 AA>>> When I cleared out the old ones, including the diffs, and freshened it
 AA>>> up with a recent nodelist, the NL viewer (F9) showed the correct
 AA>>> entries.

 MF>> 'scuse me but there shouldn't be any "rogue" nodelist/nodediff files in
 MF>> there anyway.

 AA> When I drop in the archived nodelists into the DistribNL, WinPoint
 AA> magically unpacks them.

I've never seen that happen here ?

 AA> WinPoint may be the better GUI-based point program compared to Apoint,

Yes, it's a much more aesthetically pleasing GUI but it's such a great  
shame that all the bugs and issues will never be fixed. Perhaps someone   should
waft $$$$$$'s under Tim's nose ;)

 AA> but I'd rather prefer to take the smoother ride that OpenXP offers.

Yeah me too and we have a very responsive developer.


--- OpenXP 5.0.43
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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