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Subject: filefix Date: Sat May 02 2020 03:19 pm
From: Alan Ianson To: Alan Beck

Hello Alan,

 AB> I now have an echo called  Filefix_file.

I don't have and have never seen such an area. I don't know how to explain

 AB> The messages have file names in them.

Some tic processors will send you a netmail message along with a tic and the
associated files. Do you have those files in your inbound perhaps?

 AB> How do I get the files?

Once you have connected to a file area you will receive all the files that are
hatched in the area. Not files that have been sent in the area before you
connected but all newly hatched files.

The files will arrive along with a tic, a control file to tell your processor
what area the file belongs to so it knows what (if anything) to do with the
file. Import it into a file area and send it to linked nodes, if any.

 Ttyl :-),

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 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)

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In Reply To: filefix (Alan Beck)