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Subject: lockdown Date: Fri May 01 2020 03:13 pm
From: Alan Ianson To: Alan Beck

Hello Alan,

 AB> Province of PEI put me on lockdown even when I went to Halifax to pick
 AB> up my son.

OK, I think that would happen here in BC as well.

 AI>> I hope you haven't tested positive but whetever is happening
 AI>> there I hope your 14 days in lockdown pass without incident.

 AB> I am not symptomatic.

Good, I hope it will stay that way for you, and all of us.

 AB> Alan the points portion of the echo  is that I am having a hard time
 AB> figuring out ALLFIX.

It's much like Areafix, it alows you to connect, disconnect and list file

 AB> I want to get files from all the fun files places. The ALLFIX help
 AB> does not tell me how to address what I need to address to get files.

File traffic is not like message traffic, you will only get new files when one
of the FDN hatches out new files. There was a new Binkd hatched for the OS/2
version of binkd recently.

I run the NASA FDN and hatch the NASA Picture of the Day every day so
connecting to the NASA file area would be a good place to start. :)

You can also request NASA from my node, you'll get that latest file from the

There is also the EARTH FDN that Dan Richter runs. There are a few files
hatched in there everyday. File areas in that FDN include WEATHER, MODIS, EPOD
and E-SCIENCE. There are many others as well but those are all active.

 Ttyl :-),

--- GoldED+/LNX
 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)

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