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Subject: lockdown Date: Fri May 01 2020 06:05 pm
From: Alan Beck To: Alan Ianson

 AI> Hello Alan,

 AB>> I am on a 14 day lockdown.

Province of PEI put me on lockdown even when I went to Halifax to pick up my

 AI> Is that something that's happening in your area generally? Where are you?


 AI> I hope you haven't tested positive but whetever is happening there I hope
 AI> your 14 days in lockdown pass without incident.

I am not symptomatic.

Alan the points portion of the echo  is that I am having a hard time figuring

I want to get files from all the fun files places. The ALLFIX help does not
tell me how to address what I need to address to get files.


--- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
 * Origin: WinPoint (1:229/426.36)

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