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Subject: oxp: nntp Date: Fri May 01 2020 11:45 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Monday 27.04.20 at 08:10, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 MF>> [snip]
 AA>>> I would also suggest page numbers for the guide, that we can narrow
 AA>>> down the place to look by saying "See 7.1, page 2, para 3"

 MF>> Yes, good idea, I'll have a look at that too.

 AA> With today's wordprocessors, all that can be automatically generated as
 AA> required.  Just add a header or a footer placeholder for it.

Yes, I tried that a long time ago but for some reason which escapes me, I
didn't implement it. I'll take another look.

 AA>>> "but if you know the name of the newsgroup or part of the name, you can
 AA>>> perform a search by pressing "S". After typing in the search phrase and
 AA>>> pressing <Enter>, a list of matches will be displayed and you should
 AA>>> cursor over the newsgroup you wish to subscribe to and press <Enter>."

 MF>> Hmmmmm, can't find that particular help topic ??

 AA> Correct.  When I wrote "the way you describe", I meant your oxp guide.

 AA> There is not much "help" on how the S)earch works in the program itself.

I take that as a hint :-))

 AA>>> I do not get "a list of matches".  I only get the first match.  Then if
 AA>>> I want to continue with the search, I have to press "S <Enter>" again.

 MF>> Yes, that's how it works here.

 AA> There you go!

 AA> So... in the past, did the S)earch do a total list of matches before, and
 AA> since then has been changed?

In all honesty, I don't ever remember it doing that but I assume it must  
have done, otherwise, I wouldn't have written what I wrote <shrug>.

 AA> A total list of matches would be nice -just like it works in
 AA> Thunderbird.

Yes it would, perhaps you could suggest it in the support newsgroup :)


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In Reply To: oxp: nntp (August Abolins)