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Subject: oxp: nodelist situation? Date: Thu Apr 30 2020 08:31 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

** On 06.04.20 - 14:05, Martin Foster wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>> The problem/lockup seems to start as soon as it sees another FSXNET.Z**
 AA>> in the /FILES dir.

 MF>After f'reqing another copy of FSXNET.Z94 from Alan's system and then
 MF>polling Richard, no problems arose with the existance of FSXNET.Z94
 MF>sitting in my 'files' directory.

Ok.  We've sorted out that the mere existence of FSXNET.ZXX does not trip  
up your system, but that is probably because your sysytem is not  
configured for FSXNET files?

BUT.. the following happened here, again:

 ┌─ Error ────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
 │                                                        │
 │  Datei(en) wurde(n) nicht korrekt entpackt!  ♦  00:06  │
 │                                                        │

   ..right after the newest FSXNET.Z22 arrived.

= 14:38:34  CONNECT
  14:38:35  OPT CRAM-MD5-26149de3d445d8935bb267bde82991ee
  14:38:35  SYS The Rusty MailBox
  14:38:35  ZYZ Alan Ianson
  14:38:35  LOC Penticton, BC Canada
  14:38:35  NDL 115200,CM,XW,IBN
  14:38:35  TIME Thu, 30 Apr 2020 11:38:33 -0700
  14:38:35  VER binkd/1.1a-104/Linux binkp/1.1
  14:38:36  TRF 0 36693
  14:38:36  OPT EXTCMD GZ BZ2
  14:38:36  secure
* 14:38:36  Rcvd FSXNET.Z22, 11465b
* 14:38:36  Rcvd kpn6i5hi.tic, 3549b

= 14:38:37  hangup
- 14:38:37  exiting

HOWEVER.. (get this..) OXP actually updated the nodelist!  The config had  
the dummy diff config file FSXNET.Z## active at that time:

│ Z2PNT.###     115  Z2PNT_D.###   Z2PNT_D.Z##   Diff  FD Pointlist
│ NODELIST.###  122  NODEDIFF.###  NODEDIFF.Z##  Diff  Nodelist
│ FSXNET.###    122  FSXNET.###    FSXNET.Z##    Diff  Nodelist  <====
│ micronet.###  108  MICRONET.###  MICRONET.Z##  Diff  Nodelist

The dummy diff entry was present.

BUT, repeated N A poles would keep producing the "Datei(en) wurde(n) nicht
korrekt entpackt!" message.

The only way I could stop OXP from triggering the above error message was  
if I manually deleted the FSXNET.Z22 from /FILES.

Subsequent polls behaved OK.  BUT, I haven't reveived my Z2PNT_D.Z22 file   yet.

SO.. it looks like I have to either enable this for the FSXNET entry:

 [x]   Delete update after processing

OR.. run a batch program to check for and delete all FSXNET.Z* files in  
the /FILES directory every time OXP starts up.



--- OpenXP 5.0.43
 * Origin: ----------Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.---------- (2:221/1.58)

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Replies: oxp: nodelist situation? (Martin Foster)