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Subject: winpoint: 1:1/1 Date: Sat Apr 25 2020 05:12 pm
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin,

On 25.04.20, you wrote to Alan Beck:

 AB>> Again, I fear I have bothered him enough. Just glad I have my
 AB>> connection.

 AB>> He is 1:1/1
 MF>            ^                ?

I was getting that from the nodelist viewer too, but the name it was showing
was Jon Justvig, Fidonews Editor.  Totally strange.

MEANWHILE, I think I solved the Winpoint Optimization problem.  It is related
to the nodelist.

Apparently, Winpoint gets confused if it finds rogue NODELIST.### files in the
NodelistDL directory. When I cleared out the old ones, including the diffs, and 
freshened it up with a recent nodelist, the NL viewer (F9) showed the correct


--- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
 * Origin: Please write your complaint in this box [ ] - Legibly (2:221/1.59)

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Replies: winpoint: 1:1/1 (Martin Foster)