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Subject: Re: oxp: the file areas. contain a convenient way to "view" and even E( Date: Fri Apr 24 2020 08:47 pm
From: Wilfred van Velzen To: August Abolins

Hi August,

On 2020-04-24 20:20:43, you wrote to Martin Foster:

 AA> I was getting settled to hook up with the fnews_publish echo that only
 AA> contained the newsletter separated into separate messages for each
 AA> page of the edition. Sometimes I am just interested to go directly to
 AA> a specific heading/section.

 AA> But since the "09 Mar 2020: edition, the auto-posts stopped.  :(

I'm getting the weekly publications in the FNEWS_PUBLISH area just fine!?

Bye, Wilfred.

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In Reply To: oxp: the file areas. contain a convenient way to "view" and even E(x)tr (August Abolins)
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