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Subject: oxp: nntp Date: Fri Apr 24 2020 10:16 am
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

** On 24.04.20 - 12:07, Martin Foster wrote to August Abolins:

 AA>> What I am missing?

 MF>To save me posting a ton of info in here, please refer to Section #7 of
 MF>oxpguide.pdf for the fully documented procedure, thank you :)

A *ton* of info?  Come on now. ;)

All I was missing was:

"The next step is to retrieve a newsgroup list from the news server and
should be performed in the following manner: Either press <F10>, cursor
along to "Message" and press <Enter> or just press "M". Now select "News/
Echo Manager..","

I totally forgot about the guide.  Thank you again for creating it!

Now.. there are a few things in it that may need updating.  ;)


For example, the above quote should actually read:

"The next step is to retrieve a newsgroup list from the news server and
should be performed in the following manner: Either press <F10> + <Enter>,
along to "Message", or just press "M". Now select "Area Manager..","

│ Search..       │
│ Export..       │
│ Unsent..       │
│ All..          │
│ Change..       │
│ Action..       │
│ Area Manager.. │  <==== not Echo Manager
│ ┌─────────────┐│
│ │ Subscribe   ││
│ │ Unsubscribe ││
└─│ Get list    │┘
  │ Others      │
  │ Import list │
  │ Read file   │

(At least that is how it behaves and looks in the Windows version)

I would also suggest page numbers for the guide, that we can narrow down  
the place to look by saying "See 7.1, page 2, para 3"


In Subscribe, the S)earch does not behave the way you describe:

"but if you know the name of the newsgroup or part of the name, you can
perform a search by pressing "S". After typing in the search phrase and pressing
<Enter>, a list of matches will be displayed and you should
cursor over the newsgroup you wish to subscribe to and press <Enter>."

I do not get "a list of matches".  I only get the first match.  Then if I   want
to continue with the search, I have to press "S <Enter>" again.


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In Reply To: oxp: nntp (Martin Foster)