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Subject: Re: Georgia Shooter Date: Sat Sep 07 2024 02:16 pm
From: Aaron Thomas To: IB Joe

 IJ> Back to daddy... He bought his son the gun he used for Christmas of
 IJ> 2023.  His son was too young to own one... Father could have bought it
 IJ> and only let his have unsupervised use of it when he was of age.

It seems like the dad made a bad mistake, but remember, it's the media feeding
all these details to us. Who knows which parts are true or false?

 IJ>  AT> I've long suspected that the government stages the school shootings,
 IJ>  AT> all these clues just amplify my suspicion.

 IJ> It is an election year... expect more shootings. And expect that these
 IJ> shooters were known by the government.

And we should expect the FBI to be vigilant, but how can we?

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