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Subject: oxp: nntp Date: Fri Apr 24 2020 12:07 pm
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Thursday 23.04.20 at 23:10, August Abolins wrote to All:

 AA> Looking for help in setting up an NNTP server with OXP.

 AA> Here are the salient settings, but I get an error after a poll:

There are four distinct steps to setting up an NNTP Server .....

 AA> │  eternal-sep NNTP
 AA> │         ┌─────────┐
 AA> │         │ Names   │
 AA> │         │ NNTP    │
 AA> │         │ Misc    │
 AA> │         └─────────┘
 AA> │

 AA> ┌─ NNTP settings ─────────────────────────────┐
 AA> │                                             │
 AA> │  Host     │
 AA> │  Port          563     [ ]   Use IPv6       │
 AA> │                                             │
 AA> │  User ID     ##########                     │
 AA> │  Password    #########                      │
 AA> │   [x]   Force authentication                │
 AA> │                                             │
 AA> │  Secure Connection     SSL ↓                │
 AA> │   [ ]   STARTTLS required                   │
 AA> │                                             │
 AA> │  Messages to fetch initially    200         │
 AA> │  Maximum messages to fetch        0         │
 AA> │                                             │
 AA> └─────────────────────────────────────────────┘

That's Step #1 completed.

 AA> The above was failing to connect.  So, I changed the setting to port 119
 AA> and non-secure, and that allowed a connection.
                                      That's Step #4

 AA> ┌─ Edit systems ─────────────────────────────────┐
 AA> │                                                │
 AA> │  System name  ETERNAL-SEPTEMBER    ↓           │
 AA> │                                                │
 AA> │  Comment                                       │
 AA> │                                                │
 AA> │  Fileserver   UUCP-Fileserver      ↓           │
 AA> │                                                │
 AA> │  Index file   index                            │
 AA> │                                                │
 AA> │  Converter    COPY $INFILE $OUTFILE          ↓ │
 AA> │                                                │
 AA> └───────────────────────────────────────── [F2] ─┘

You need to bin the above, it 'aint needed.

 AA> But the poll failed to grab an index file from which to pick the ngs.

 AA> What I am missing?

Steps #2 and #3 :)

Rather than post the steps in their entirity, I'll give a very brief  
rundown .....

Step #1
Configure your NNTP Server(you've already done that).

Step #2
Grab a newsgroup list.

Step #3
Subscribe to a newsgroup(s).

Step #4
Poll the news server for mail.
You did that but you jumped the gun :)

To save me posting a ton of info in here, please refer to Section #7 of
oxpguide.pdf for the fully documented procedure, thank you :)


--- OpenXP 5.0.43
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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