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Subject: pushing further Date: Thu Apr 23 2020 10:31 pm
From: Alan Beck To: all

I am going to have to admit that I will take on a challenge and wrestle it to
the ground. I am an addict and I admit it. :-)

Need one, every day.

How do I add other networks, like Scinet?

Can I put them on a seperate part of my system?

Does it get crossed at all and important people get wee-wee'd off?

For the time being  I am on WinPoint until from reading and tweaking, I can
find enough reason to jump on the OpenXP bandwagon.

This  point package just worked right out of the box, automajically. That says
something to me. Yes there are things I need to improve or fix about it.

But, I know what I have and that is a great GUI with little maintenace.

The driving force for everyone is versatility and operational features.

Maybe contentment with this software is where I need to be right now, don't
know, too soon.



--- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
 * Origin: WinPoint (1:229/426.36)

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