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Subject: Re: Yoy Can't Make This U Date: Sat Aug 31 2024 10:06 am
From: Mike Powell To: AARON THOMAS

>  IJ> I think Liz Chaney and that other guy who cries all the time are all in
>  IJ> for Kamala

> Right. But Liz Cheney was ousted in a primary, and she's no longer a house
> member. Every name in Alan's list were names of people who once held office,
> were nominated by the Republican party, but are no longer relevant enough to b
> called "Republicans who support Kamala."

Republicans who hold office, who want to continue to hold office, are not likely
going to publicly support Kamala because they know how crazy the
MAGA faction will get if that gets out.

They might, through some way not easy to trace, financially back her
campaign, but they are not going to come out publicly unless they are
planning not to run again.

> There are many layers to his BS. My follow up question should have been "Are
> those 'Republicans' going to help Kamala pass any legislation?"

The ones who are not going public with support might.

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