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Subject: Re: What happened to your subject line? Date: Fri Aug 30 2024 08:30 am
From: Alan Ianson To: Aaron Thomas

> All of the names you mentioned are "former" Republican officials. Give me a
> list of actual Republicans who have endorsed Harris.

Those folks are all republicans unless they have left the party.

> You're falling even deeper into the BS now. You're gonna need new clothes and
> one of those scraper things for your boots.

I saw a headline yesterday that said there were more than 200 republicans
endorsing Harris. I didn't dig into the story, but the list is growing.

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In Reply To: Re: What happened to your subject line? (Aaron Thomas)
Replies: Re: What happened to your subject line? (Aaron Thomas)More than 200 Republicans for Democracy (Bj”rn Felten)